You got our storms last night - about 3 or 4 p.m. we had thunder going on! Mid-July, for heaven's sake.
"4. Remove plank from grill. Transfer cheese and fruit to serving plate. Drizzle honey over cheese and fruit" - I sure wouldn't bother transferring the cheese/fruit from the plank - love the presentation. (I'm sure you already thought of this, tho, Sharon.) I think a clump of grapes would find its way on the plank with all the other goodies, too.

P.S. - I didn't see there was a page two to this thread. Daphne, without the rind on a round of brie, you might get a runny mess before cheese is warm. Maybe wrapping a piece of foil around the wedge (like wrapping a filet with a bacon strip) would contain the cheese. worth a try.
Sharon, the dish is beautiful!! I bet it tasted as good as it looks.
Lorraine, I still have some of those you sent me (the thin pliable sheets) - wouldn't this be a great individual starter - using these ingredients or what we did when Sharon and Bob were here with the Parm, cheddar and grapes. Beautiful dinner starters........ hmmmmm