Lordie, I do received multitudes of newsletters in my email and this morning there were quite a few I thought maybe some would be interested in here. (you may also get them...
First up was a book for grandmas/greatgrandmas - I wish my great-grandchildren were closer!!
Perfect Pops: The 50 Best Classic & Cool Treats [Hardcover]
Next, I love Judith Jones and have a couple of her books -
"The Book of New New England Cookery" and "The Tenth Muse: My Life in Food" - and she has a new book out that I sure wish had been around when my mom was still with us and cooking.
"The Pleasures of Cooking for One" http://www.amazon.com/Pleasures-Cooking-...8310&sr=1-1
I wish Shirley still came on here, she might like this book.
Then there is this one that I just shook my head while I read it - I love off the wall ideas, but this one just boggles even my mind. Cooking corn of the cob in a slow cooker!!!????
That's it - whew, what a morning of reading. Now time to get to work!

First up was a book for grandmas/greatgrandmas - I wish my great-grandchildren were closer!!
Perfect Pops: The 50 Best Classic & Cool Treats [Hardcover]
Next, I love Judith Jones and have a couple of her books -
"The Book of New New England Cookery" and "The Tenth Muse: My Life in Food" - and she has a new book out that I sure wish had been around when my mom was still with us and cooking.
"The Pleasures of Cooking for One" http://www.amazon.com/Pleasures-Cooking-...8310&sr=1-1
I wish Shirley still came on here, she might like this book.
Then there is this one that I just shook my head while I read it - I love off the wall ideas, but this one just boggles even my mind. Cooking corn of the cob in a slow cooker!!!????

That's it - whew, what a morning of reading. Now time to get to work!

Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.