Speaking of Cast Iron
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Back when my granddaddy killed and butchered his own hogs, they would use every part of the hog possible.  The fatty skin was used to make lard.  The cracklin' (pig skins) were a bonus.  Wink  there was a giant cast iron wash pot in the wash house that was used during hog killing time to do this.  The round bottomed pot sat on a stand where a coal fire would be lit and vented with a smoke stack.  

For years, William has begged Mom to let him have this setup.  After a recent break in at the farm, she finally let him take it.  We look forward to making boiled peanuts in it soon, and a big batch of my daddy's Brunswick Stew later this fall. William brought home the pieces of coal, but he has modified the set up with a gas cooker underneath. The coal will just serve as a keepsake.

Check it out.  It's HUGE!

Cast iron pot
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by Gourmet_Mom (Back when my grandda...)
Now that's a pot! Sure wish I could be there for the Brunswick stew! Don't forget to take pix when you use it...

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by Mare749 (Now that's a pot! S...)
Wow, what a keeper that is! Going to have to have a heck of a gathering to eat up that much stew! Never had Brunswick stew, I am gathering from your previous posts it has chicken and pig parts in it?
  Re: Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by iBcookin (Wow, what a keeper t...)
Do you have a forklift?
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".
  Re: Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by Old Bay (Do you have a forkli...)
Oh my, what a family heirloom that is!! And what fun you can have with it! I sure wish I'd had that when we were raising/butchering pigs. My fat had to be done in a huge soup pot - this one has much more class!!!!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by cjs (Oh my, what a family...)
What a wonderful pot. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with it!!
  Re: Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by karyn (What a wonderful pot...)
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Re: Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by Lorraine (WOW!!!...)
That is some pot Daphne!
  Re: Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by Trixxee (That is some pot Dap...)
We're excited! The boiled peanuts and stew are going in the freezer.

Linda, it has beef, pork, and chicken in it. Traditionally, it was made with venison, squirrel, and rabbit, I think? It's really good, at least ours is. I've tried it at various barbeque restaurants, but I've never had any nearly as good.
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Re: Speaking of Cast Iron by Gourmet_Mom (We're excited! The ...)
And...for those of us without inheritances such as this, there is a version of Daphne's Daddy's Brunswick Stew, page 181 of a Chef's Journey...Home (just sayin')

and, her grandmother's Crispy Corn Bread (page 182) and...Aunt Oleta's Chocolate Pie (page 183) - which is delicious!!! again...just sayin'
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

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