What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13??
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What's on the menu for today??

Oh, and today is Nat'l Cheese Day - Where's Cheesemonger???? (by the way, she is going to be our tour guide when we get to Austin!! )

We're going to be good today and eat mid-day meal (Grilled ribs and tatoes) before we go out exploring so we don't end up eating out all day. See if this works.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by cjs (What's on the menu f...)
How fun Jean!!! You are such a lucky gal!

There is a neighbor down the street who fell off of a roof and is recovering. One of the neighbors came around asking for several of us to provide them with meals. Of course I said okay. A couple days later I received a calendar in my mail box. It had me down for 3 dinners over the course of six weeks! I am like, what? They are a husband and wife, no kids. He broke his arm and did something to his jaw. His wife is able bodied and does pretty much all the cooking/grocery shopping. What do they need 6 weeks worth of meals for? I feel bad because I am irritated. Am I missing something?

Yesterday was chili, today is turkey dinner with all the fixins'. Then I will squeeze turkey noodle soup out of this also.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
  Re: Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by luvnit (How fun Jean!!! You ...)
We're going to have that Chicken Breasts Saltimbocca. I have a question, though. What does the egg yolk added to the pasta do? I've seen that in a couple other recipes and was curious.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.
  Re: Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by BarbaraS (We're going to have ...)
Laura - I'm annoyed just reading that. How presumptuous! I'd pick the earliest one date and then say you are unable to commit to further dates at this time.

Well, we wound up ordering pizza last night so come heck or high water tonight I am making the linguine with clam sauce.
  Re: Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by BarbaraS (We're going to have ...)
Barbara, that is the classic method for Pasta Carbonara - tossing the raw egg with HOT cooked pasta then cooks the egg. It's a wonderful additonal flavor.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by Trixxee (Laura - I'm annoyed ...)

I'd pick the earliest one date and then say you are unable to commit to further dates at this time.

Thanks Trixxee. That is a very nice way to say it. I have been trying to think of a gracious way to handle this.

I was hoping that the actual couple we are providing meals for would step up and say, "Hey, we're fine. This is not really necessary. Thank you all very much."
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
  Re: Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by luvnit ([blockquote]Quote:[h...)
Yeah Laura, I don't understand why they need 6 weeks of meals either.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.
  Re: Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by BarbaraS (Yeah Laura, I don't ...)
Laura----just do what you want to do and don't feel guilty about SIX WEEKS????? I would send a casserole type dish--that will last for a few days if there is only two. GREAT method to save on groceries for six weeks----MY BAD!!!!

Rack of lamb with brown buttered green beans and a pita bread-------tomorrow is blood work---NO CARBS for him and no sugar things!!!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  Re: Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by Roxanne 21 (Laura----just do wha...)
We having the pork cutlets Diane that Blane mentioned
  Re: Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 1/20/13?? by Roxanne 21 (Laura----just do wha...)
Undecided at this point. Hoping for inspiration.
Keep your mind wide open.

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