You would be surprised. There are a number of kids who bring their lunch for that very reason. Plus, it only takes one law suit to "kill" a tradition like cupcakes at school for your own child. You guys living in an area with good bakeries are lucky. The kids at the local primary get some pretty crappy cupcakes from the local small town grocery that leaves your mouth the color of the frosting and tastes like foam. In defense of the store, they do the best they can, but REALLY! A few kids are lucky to have a parent that will go to the city to a REAL bakery for cake/cupcakes, but that is rare!
The surprising revelation is the number of kids that choose to not eat AT ALL! I'd guess half the students I teach don't eat, and half the ones that DO eat brought their own lunch. If you could see the lunches...better yet, TASTE the'd see why children who don't get a nutritional meal at home choose not to eat at all at school.
Example: I observed a number of children who purchased or "received" a meal recently with a meat (chicken tenders, I think...kinda bad when you're not sure what it is to look at it), a veggie (sweet potatoes from a can with no flavor added), and an orange. They peeled the orange, ate it, and threw the tray away. These were children from the group that consistently BUY or RECEIVE a lunch! Many who probably don't get a very nutritional meal at home. Sad.
I don't blame my lunch ladies. I know they can cook better than that. The "recipes" passed down from "on high" are what they are required to serve nowadays. It's really quite frustrating and depressing.
Okay...I'll get off my soapbox now.