Got this from a chef friend of mine. She sent it to me when I told her of my jerky making (which I am enjoying). Figured I'd share it with you all The flavor is enhanced from the jerky which concentrates the beef flavors.

Feijoada (Brazilian Beef Stew) The # indicates pound.

PT 1.
Carne Seca

1 head garlic
2 oz Chile d’Arbol
2 t cumin
2# Flank steak, sliced thinly, pound thin
4 oz Red Wine Vinegar

Mix first 4 ingredients in mortar and grind fine.
Use vinegar to moisten to a paste.
Coat meat w/ marinade.
Cook in slow oven until beef dries out. (Could be overnight.)

PT 2.

2 oz olive oil
1 head garlic, minced
2 ea onion
2 # dried black beans, soaked overnight
2 # hard chorizo
3 # pork loin
1 # bacon
2 ea Chile d’Arbol
1 # Carne Seca


Sweat onions and garlic.
Add beans, H2O to cover. Bring to simmer.
Add all meat and chile. Cook till beans are tender.

  Interesting Brazilian Beef Stew Recipe DFen911 Got this from a chef...
Have heard about this several times, but have never had it. Definitely sounds good, though.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: Interesting Brazilian Beef Stew Recipe labradors Have heard about thi...
it does sound good.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Interesting Brazilian Beef Stew Recipe cjs it does sound good....
It does sound good except for one thing. Does that one pound of bacon go in raw? I don't think I would like it that way. Too much bacon fat for my taste. But, if it's cooked first, I would probably like it a lot.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Interesting Brazilian Beef Stew Recipe Mare749 It does sound good e...
I wondered that too and decided I would render it first
Interesting Brazilian Beef Stew Recipe

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