What are you all up to?

We are taking the last of the kitchen remodel parts to our friends for installing, so I'm not planning anything - maybe we'll stop in town on our way home for something.

Have to brag on Roy a tad - this is the most beautiful countertop I think he's ever made and we've been schlepping this hunk around for a few days....

[Image: countertop1.jpg]
That's glue runnin' down the boards - he pieced the entire thing using wood 'biscuits'

And this is how it will look in the kitchen -
[Image: countertop2.jpg]

Now, my nose is out of joint that I have this darn old commercial island....whine, whine. Altho, I did mention that when we had a real boring winter I want to just rip out what we have and start from scratch - - he's not too excited right now. He worked so hard on this one.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? cjs What are you all up ...
Well, it's "cooks night off" for me for the next 3 nights!

Today we head out to the Delaware Water Gap to spend a couple days. When we get back Saturday we're going to McCormick and Schmink's for my BD dinner! I'll be offline for a few, so y'all behave and have fun on Halloween!!

BTW, gorgeous butcher block! My hubby made and extension on my island and made a grain-end block for me. I have to get onto a picture site to download some pics of it.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.
  Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? cjs What are you all up ...
Jean that is beautiful! Wow - I cannot imagine how much work that was! Give him a big hug!

I'm not sure what we're having tonight - I'll have to get back to you later. Haven't had COFFEE yet.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? Harborwitch Jean that is beautif...
Jean, That is just beautiful! Didn't you just remodel your kitchen???

I think it is Chicken Curry in the crock pot tonight.

Last night was roasted brussel sprouts, red peppers, mushrooms and Chicken and apple sausages. YUM.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.
  Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? cjs What are you all up ...
That is just beautiful!!! - Oh, how I envy your friends!!! I love woodworking projects - I used to help my father on the week-ends when I was growing up - the smells in a woodworking shop are almost as good as the aromas in the kitchen

We are having stir fry and left over coconut cream pie

  Re: Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? That is just beautif...
Tell Roy Rogers that the countertop is gorgeous!

For tonite: Mushroom Pork Marsala from Weeknight Menus and maybe an appy and a dessert but I'm not sure yet.

Empress for Life
  Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? cjs What are you all up ...
What a nice job Roy did on the countertop! My nest house, my next house, I keep saying...

Baked haddock for supper tonight, Blitz bread if I get moving and baby pes. Last night was the shrimp and crabcakes with a remoulade, started out intending to use the C@H recipe but just made them the way I always do. Crab cakes just aren't crab cakes without Old Bay. Right, Resident Sage?

  Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? cjs What are you all up ...
Pasta rack.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? luvnit Pasta rack. [img]/ub...

Pasta rack.

That's hilarious Laura!

Jean, that is just gorgeous! My ideal kitchen would have 3 different counters...stainless steel, marble, and wood block.

Cis, I hope you love the pork as much as we do!

Tonight is the Turkey Tortilla Soup with Southwestern Cornbread. I think I may be getting a cold with these dramatic weather changes around here, so this should hit the spot. That and getting to sleep in a little tomorrow should help. (I've got a mandatory workday and have some compensatory time to use...soooooo)
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Dinner - Thursday 10/30??? Gourmet_Mom [blockquote]Quote:[...
Beautiful wood!

We are having my favorite soup - the Sausage Minestra and croutons. Yum!
Dinner - Thursday 10/30???

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