We're finishing up the leftovers from Chicken Fricassee.

What are you all up to?

I had fun yesterday - I've been wondering about how much fun a lot of us have had with pork bellies, how about beef bellies? Do they have an equivalent cut? Talked to our butcher yesterday and he thought the closest cut would be the flat iron steak, but without the beautiful lines of fat.

So, bought one and made it like I did/do the Five-Spice Roasted Pork Belly - oh my, it is so good and tasty. A tad dry, but I can work on that.

This is the cut
[Image: FlatIron1.jpg]

I marinaded it for 4 hours and roasted it for 1 hour at 450
[Image: FlatIron2.jpg]

and here it is - the 5-spice flavor is so good. Now to play with it and how to use ut.
[Image: FlatIron3.jpg]
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? cjs We're finishing up t...
That looks good!

Tony's making ham and white bean soup from a leftover Christmas ham/bone we froze. I'll make some cornbread too. Good choice for this rainy, rainy weather.
  Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? cjs We're finishing up t...
Well, it's snowing up a storm here - at least a foot and it's still going! I planned on doing Beef Bourguinon today. Glad I picked up the goodies on Wednesday!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.
  Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? cjs We're finishing up t...
I love flat-irons. One of my favorite cuts to grill.

  Re: Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? Dismc I love flat-irons. ...
We're doing NY strip steaks w/ baked potato and salad with dressing and blu cheese sprinkles. I'm going to "create" a smooth watercress soup for a 1st course.
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? Old Bay We're doing NY strip...
I'm doing Theresa's dinner review....Lacquered Beef Ribs with spicy ginger sauce. I've got some romaine in the drawer and forgot about the kale/spinach when I went out, so I'll just have the kale/spinach with another meal.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? Gourmet_Mom I'm doing Theresa's ...
We bought some spareribs. he put a dry rub on them overnight, and put them in the oven a few hours ago. We experimented with a brownie crusted banana cheesecake the other day, so that will be dessert.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Re: Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? Gourmet_Mom I'm doing Theresa's ...
We're doing the same dinner - since we got to town I got the kale - but we've had rice 2 days in a row. Hmmmmmm. Maybe the scallion pancakes.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? Harborwitch We're doing the same...
We were feeling nostalgic and wanting to clear the fridge a little. So we did that Vietnamese Carmel Chicken form Iss47
That was my very first "gourmet" meal! It was still good as we remembered
Empress for Life

  Re: Saturday Dinner - 2/6?? farnfam We were feeling nost...
You took a page out of my book, Cis - miss your mind?

You sent me on a chase to find this recipes - it's really in issue #48 on page 25. AND, it looks so good, I've got to work this in, soon!!!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
Saturday Dinner - 2/6??

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